Rolando / Sorbelli

Software Engineer

Hi there, I'm Rolando, nice to meet you!

I am a passionate software engineer who loves creating user-friendly experiences. I started my professional journey as a developer in 2017 when I attended Makers Academy, a coding bootcamp that literally changed my career and gave a positive turn to my life. I am now based in London and I work at the BBC as a Software Engineer where I have the chance to build products for both internal and external use.

I mostly focus on technologies such as JavaScript, Node.js, React and HTML & CSS.

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Sebastiano Concari

Sebastiano Concari is an amazing artist who spent his life working on different areas such as painting, design, makeup and, especially, tattoos. This portoflio gathers all his pieces of art and shows how capable he is in transforming a body with a tattoo machine or a paint brush. I have taken care of this website end to end, from the mockup to the hosting going through the development.

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